
来源:糊涂一时而已 发布时间:2019-03-28 14:08:24 阅读量:1043


<!DOCTYPE html>



    <meta charset="UTF-8">




    <button id="selectBook">查询数据</button>

    <button id="add">添加数据</button>

    <button id="getDataByTitle">通过书名查询数据</button>

    <div id="con"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        //判断浏览器是否支持 indexedDB

        if (!window.indexedDB) {

            window.alert("Your browser doesn't support a stable version of IndexedDB. Such and such feature will not be available.")


        var db;//保存数据库信息

        //新创建了一个数据库,  1:数据库的名称  2:数据库的版本号

        var request = indexedDB.open('Book', 3);


        request.onsuccess = function (e) {


            //db = e.target.result;

            //将创建成功的数据库信息保存在 db

            db = request.result;







            var oSelectBook = document.getElementById('selectBook');

            var oCon = document.getElementById('con');

            oSelectBook.onclick = function () {

                //事务  1:表名   2:读写方式

                var tx = db.transaction(['books'], 'readwrite');


                var store = tx.objectStore('books');


                store.openCursor().onsuccess = function (ev) {

                    var cursor = ev.target.result;

                    if (cursor) {

                        var key = cursor.key;

                        var value = cursor.value;




                        oCon.innerHTML += key + ', 书名:' + value.title + ',作者:' + value.author + '<br>';






            //通过 书名索引查询数据

            var oGetDataByTitle = document.getElementById('getDataByTitle');

            oGetDataByTitle.onclick = function () {


                var transaction = db.transaction(['books'], "readwrite");

                var store = transaction.objectStore('books');



                var titleIndex = store.index('by_title');

                titleIndex.openCursor().onsuccess = function (ev) {

                    var cursor = ev.target.result;

                    if (cursor) {










        request.onerror = function () {




        request.onupgradeneeded = function () {


            db = request.result;

            //判断books表是否存在,如果不存在,新创建 该表

            if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('books')) {  //contains('books') 如果没找到 返回false

                var store = db.createObjectStore('books', {//创建表

                    keyPath: 'isbn'//表的主键



            //增加索引   ,增加查询的速度

            store.createIndex('by_title', 'title', { unique: true });


            store.put({ isbn: 1, title: "鲁迅文集", author: "周树人", price: 100 });

            store.put({ isbn: 3, title: "鲁迅文集1", author: "周树人1", price: 80 });

            store.put({ isbn: 5, title: "鲁迅文集2", author: "周树人2", price: 50 });

            store.put({ isbn: 9, title: "鲁迅文集3", author: "周树人3", price: 30 });




        var oAdd = document.getElementById('add');


        oAdd.onclick = function () {


            var bookInfo = { isbn: 11, title: "小叮当", author: "", price: 40 };


            var tx = db.transaction(['books'], 'readwrite');

            var store = tx.objectStore('books');

            var addRes = store.put(bookInfo);//主键的内容一样时,是属于覆盖式添加

            //var addRes = store.add(bookInfo);//主键内容一样时,会报错

            addRes.onsuccess = function () {



            addRes.onerror = function () {







标签: PHP 环境搭建